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​Prevention on sexual harassment

What is sexual harassment?

There are two forms of sexual harassment.
The first is any unwelcome sexual behavior or conduct which is offensive, humiliating, or intimidating. 
The second form can be an environment where there are actions, languages, or pictures of a sexual nature that make it hard for you to do your work or studies. This is called "a sexually hostile environment".

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Examples of sexual harassment:

  • 雖然每一次都被拒絕,但仍然不斷嘗試約會對方

  • 帶有性方面影射的評論,和猥褻性或侮辱性的說話

  • 有關性或某一個性別的笑話

  • 性方面的提議,或是給予對方壓力來達到性的要求

  • 暗示或公開威脅對方發生性行為

  • 猥褻姿勢或不恰當的觸摸(例如:輕拍、觸摸、強吻或擠捏)

  • 使人反感的涉及性的通訊資料(信件、電話、傳真、電郵等)

  • 展示猥褻性或淫穢性的照片或文章

  • 盯著或色迷迷的看著別人或其身體部位

  • 同學在迎新營叫出涉及性的口號或進行有性意味的遊戲,令在場的其他同學感到冒犯或威嚇,這些行為可構成有敵意或具威嚇性的環境

  • Repeated attempts to make a date, despite being told "NO" each time

  • Comments with sexual innuendoes and suggestive or insulting sounds

  • Relentless humor and jokes about sex or gender in general

  • Sexual propositions or other pressure for sex

  • Implied or overt threats for sex

  • Obscene gestures or inappropriate touching (e.g. patting, touching, 

  • kissing or pitching)

  • Offensive communications of a sexual nature (letters, phone calls, faxes, 

  • e-mail messages, etc.)

  • Displaying sexually obscene or suggestive photographs or literature

  • Staring or leering at a person or at parts of his/her body

  • When students in orientation camp shout sex-related slogans or play sexually suggestive games that make other students feel offended or intimidated. This behavior could result in the creation of a hostile or intimidating environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

The Answers You Need

Does there have to be more than one incident for it to be considered sexual harassment?

不是 。單一事件已足以構成性騷擾。
No. Even one single incident can constitute sexual harassment.

Does it have to be intentional for it to be sexual harassment?

No. Sexual harassment can be intentional or unintentional. Having no intention to harass is not a defence in sexual harassment cases.

Is it possible for a person to be sexually harassed by someone of his/her gender?

Yes. Sexual harassment can happen regardless of the gender of the parties.

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What should you do if you feel being sexually harassed?


Sexual harassment is unlawful.  Ignoring sexual harassment does not make it go away, but may make it worse because the harasser may misinterpret no response as approval of the behavior.  

There are a number of things you can do to address the issue:

  • 在可行的情況下,嘗試對涉事者說清楚,明確表達自己的立場。告訴涉事者這行為屬不能接受,應立刻停止。

  • 用文字記錄事件詳情,包括日期、時間、地點、目擊證人(如有)、事件性質(性騷擾者的言行)以及你當時的反應。

  • 把事情告知你信任的人或輔導員,以獲得情緒上的支持和意見。

  • Try to sort it out, where practicable, with the person or people involved.  Speak up at the time.  Tell the harasser that his/her behavior is unwelcome and should be stopped immediately.

  • Keep a written record of the incidents, including the dates, time, location, witnesses (if any), and nature (what the harasser has said or done) and your own response.

  • Tell someone you trust or a counsellor, and ask for emotional support and advice.

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What information does one need to provide in the letter of complaint?

One needs to provide the following:

  • 事件詳情及有關日期;

  • 個人資料(姓名、所屬學系或部門、聯絡資料等);

  • 被投訴人的姓名及聯絡資料;

  • 支持受性騷擾指稱的資料 ;

  • 因受性騷擾而蒙受任何不利或情緒困擾的詳情;及

  • 目擊證人(如有的話)。

  • Details and dates involved; 

  • Your personal information (name, department/unit, contact information, etc.)

  • Name of the complainee(s) and contact information;

  • Information supporting your claim of sexual harassment;

  • Details of any detriment or emotional disturbance that the complainant has suffered because of the harassment; and

  • Information about witness(es), if any.

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Committee Against Sexual Harassment

熱線:3943 8716

防止性騷擾專員(男):張震 Carlos    9304 3521
防止性騷擾專員(女):蔡芷澄Charmaine    6891 8923

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